Style Tips to Learn in Your 20s

Adventure, excitement, fun parties, discovering “how to adult” and lots of questions. This is what your 20s are all about. This mesmerizing period of your life is amazing no matter how you look at it. But your 20s are also about figuring out who you are and what works for you in all aspects of life. In this article we want to help out with the fashion perspective of your 20s. There are certain tips and tricks that you want to have figured out as you discover your fashion style and we are here to guide you through them. For all the other aspects, make sure you check out some more articles on the psychology of your 20s.

Find your color palette

There are many aspects to discover about the fashion world, one of them being how much the color palette impacts the way your features look. Depending on your skin tone, undertones, eyes and hair color, you will find some colors more advantageous than others. To find your color palette you can either go online and search the techniques or go to a specialist that will do it for you. This is important because depending on what colors suit you best, you can show off your best features and make sure you always have that radiant glow. BBC has an article with amore in depth look at the theory of colors that can help you start your discovery journey.


Something else that is important for you to learn in your 20s is related to the way you accessorize your outfits. If you treat accessories as an unimportant part of your outfits from the beginning, you won’t be able to fully achieve the potential of your looks. So it’s important to start experimenting with some fun jewelry pieces, some … READ MORE